In this guide, we explain how to translate and localise content on Activist Handbook. Make our guides accessible to more people.
How to translate?
We recommend you to use a tool like Google Translate. Copy the text of an article in the translation tool, and paste them in the editor. Then you only have to correct the mistakes that Google Translate made. This saves you a lot of time!
How to localise?
Localising content is changing the content to take into account different local contexts. For example, laws that protect activists are different in every country.
If you feel like an article does not properly take into account the context in your region, add a section "Local context", and a subsection (for example "India").
What buttons to click?
On the website
Anyone can edit Activist Handbook. Start editing an article by clicking 'Add translation'. If a translation already exists for a page, but you want to make it better, click on the blue edit button in the bottom right of the screen.
Click 'Add translation' to add a language | By Joppe
In the editor
When you are viewing an article in the editor, you can easily switch languages or add a translation.
Add a translation from the editor, by Joppe