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Volunteer guide: Content coordinator

A guide to the role of content coordinator
Last update: Apr 23, 2022

In this guide, we will help you to get started as a content coordinator. If you are already a content coordinator, we encourage you to edit this guide to make it fit better with your working style. This will help both you and your successor! Also make sure to check out the other guides for coordinators.

Your role

Summary: As content coordinator, your domain is the facilitation of the content circle. You need to understand how the circle roles interact with each other and work with their representatives in order to improve the flow. You are also a representative of the Core circle and are responsible to make sure the purpose of Activist Handbook is known within the Content circle. You will facilitate the circle meetings and set up strategies on how to develop the chapters of Activist Handbook.

Role components: Find the exact purpose, domain and accountabilities of this role in Airtable.

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