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Volunteer guide: Styling articles

Last update: Apr 23, 2022

We use consistent formatting and styling to make it easier for visitors to skim through our website and find the content they were looking for. The examples below show how to format our website.


To subdivide an article with titles, first use the Heading 1. Subsections of particular parts are marked with Heading 2, and so forth.

Bold text style

Make links bold if they are an important part of the page. For example: do not make links to external resources bold, unless the page's main aim is to help people find external resources.

Bullet points

  • Think carefully about what kind of list style to use. If there is no particular order in which users are supposed to read the points, use a bulleted list.
  1. Use a numbered list if you would like to indicate a specific order of the items you are discussing.


Do not use different font families, except the ones that are automatically applied to headings and body text.

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