On this page
Because we do not have a French integrator, for now, this article is a guide for English speaking volunteers who can also do a bit of French.
We recommend to prepare your call by writing down a few bullet points you want to talk about:
- Ask about their pronouns & how to pronounce their name: **"**Je m'appelle [Name]"
- Ask how they are doing: “”Comment ça va?"
- Explain why you wanted to talk: “J'aimerais mieux vous connaître et vous dire comment vous pouvez contribuer au.”
- Ask how they found Activist Handbook: **“**Comment avez-vous connu Activist Handbook?”
- Ask what they already know about Activist Handbook. "Que savez-vous du Activist Handbook?"
- Ask if they already have some experience with activism: “Quelle expérience avez-vous de l'activisme?”
- Determine how they would like to contribute and how much time they have available: “De combien de temps disposez-vous pour contribuer?”
- Ask if they have any questions: **"**Avez-vous des questions?"
- Invite them to upcoming events or meetings
- Ask if they're ok with taking a screenshot for posting on our socials, and ask for their handles: **"**Puis-je prendre une capture d'écran pour la partager sur nos réseaux sociaux?"
- End the conversation by repeating the most important points: “C'était sympa de te rencontrer”