In this guide, you will learn all about movement mapping. Using this technique, you will gain a better understanding of how various social movements relate to each other.
📚 This guide is part of the following series:
Stakeholders in your strategy
Movement of movements
What is movement mapping?
There are various ways of analysing stakeholders in your activist campaign. Movement mapping is one of these methods. It is a process of analysing how key actors within a movement of movements relate to one another.
Movement mapping allows us to act strategically. Instead of only looking at the strategy of your movement, this tool allows you to get a birds-eye view on the position of your movement within a larger ecosystem of movements.
A lot of the time we can find ourselves firefighting and being forced to respond to an agenda set by our adversaries, the media, or other circumstances. Having a good strategy helps to take a step back from short term immediate responses, and focus instead on longer term capacity building.
Movement mapping helps us to:
Improve our appreciation of the diversity of contributions needed for a healthy and effective movement of movements
Make a more resilient movement of movements
Understand the relationships between our movements
Develop more effective long term strategies
Define your movement
List key actors
Power relations
Types of actors