Divestment is a changing in the flow of investment capital from one activity to another to generate a financial return elsewhere. One of the most effective divestment activities starts with policy changes within large financial institutions or through financial product offerings, like negative screening Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that exclude any companies generating revenue directly from fossil fuel extraction and sale. Divestment is closely related to responsible investment and the various environmental and social aims of individuals. Divestment can be purely for financial growth reasons, e.g an individual might sell stock in an energy company because they see higher returns in the tech space, but often in the responsible investment space is associated with the desire to achieve an environmental and social impact and a willingness to give up some financial returns to achieve these impacts.
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External resources
Divestment by Beautiful Rising
Divestment by Wikipedia
What is fossil fuel divestment? by Fossil Free
The Responsible Investor: An Introductory Guide to Responsible Investment